My Under 5

'Hooray' for Harvest!

On Monday 2 October 2023, the children from Jellybabies Nursery took part in their Harvest Festival celebration, for which they brought food items from home to donate to a local food bank.

This tied in well with the children’s learning as they explored the ways that they can help others, as well as learning about where our food comes from. They then performed ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’ in front of proud parents and grandparents, and took part in an interactive rap, ‘The Little Red Hen’. Once they’d finished, they were each presented with a ‘Well done’ certificate before joining their families for drinks, toast and fruit. It was a lovely morning enjoyed by all!

Witness the fitness

Just a couple of days after their busy Harvest Festival, on Wednesday 4 October 2023, the children of Jellybabies Nursery took part in an hour-long PE session led by Fit4Sport.

Fit 4 Early Years encourages children to be active participating in a variety of different sports, encouraging health and fitness while integrating cross-curricular links to literacy and numeracy.

The children had a brilliant time! Everyone joined in with the hour of exercise, which included ball skills, balance, football skills, counting and positional language. They were also very excited to receive their medals, which were presented by Fit4Sport leader Harry.

What have you been up to?
Under 5 wants to know! To share your good news, success stories, and fun events with us, please email with the subject line ‘My Under 5’.