Two dates available: Thursday 1 May 2025 in Hucknall, Nottingham and Thursday 16 October in Clifton Down, Bristol
Members £55 per person; Non-members £95 per person
To allow as many educators as possible to attend, this popular Connect Roadshow will run on two dates:
1 May 2025: TTS Offices, Heyworth Rd, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 6XJ
16 October 2025: Engineers’ House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Avon, Bristol, BS8 3NB
Both events will run from 9.30am to 4pm.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) tells us that “every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident, and self-assured”.
It’s our role as early years professionals to ensure that each individual child is given the opportunity to thrive and reach their potential – and that, of course, includes children with known or suspected special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
That’s why we’re excited to share with you that our two next in-person Alliance Connect Roadshows are dedicated to ‘Celebrating SEND: a world without limits’. These events, which will take place in Nottingham in May and in Bristol in October, will focus on what children with SEND can do and bring together like-minded early years professionals to discuss ways that we can promote true inclusivity in our practice to ensure that no child is left behind.
The events will include a range of inspirational keynote speakers who will share their knowledge, experiences, scientific findings and practical ideas. Throughout the course of each day, attendees will have the chance to find out more about supporting neurodivergent children in talks about responding to children’s sensory systems and challenges around feeding and mealtimes, delving into the neuroscience of neurodiversity, and discussing inclusive practice through our approaches and environments.
Keynote speakers at both events include:
Catherine McLeod Dingley's Promise Cat Jewkes TTS Lucy Wood Early years dietician Professor Sam Wass ADD Cheryl Warren Early years consultant Sue Newman Boogie Mites.
These keynote speakers will also join Early Years Alliance’s Neil Leitch (CEO) and Shannon Pite (communications and external affairs director) in a panel to discuss what changes are needed to ensure that all children with SEND get the support they deserve.
The May event will also include inspirational speaker Musharaf Asghar, while Emma Pinnock, director of The Essential Education Group, will join the October event.
Prize draw
Attendees will also have the chance to win a mini-sensory space bundle worth around £200, including: a mini pop-up sensory pod light-up recordable domes light-up lanterns a vibrating guinea pig
9.30am - 9.45am: Refreshments and networking
9.45am - 10.00am: Welcome and introductions - Michael Freeston - Alliance director of quality improvement
10.00am - 10.25am: Celebrating Inclusive early years practice – how early years professionals can provide the best foundation for children with SEND - Catherine McLeod - Dingley's Promise
10.30am - 10.55am: Wondering Why in the Early Years - Catherine Jewkes - TTS
11.00am - 11.30am: Feeding challenges and neurodivergence - Lucy Wood - Early years dietician
11.30am - 11.50am: Refreshments
11.50am - 12.20pm: A blooming buzzing confusion: young brains and neurodivergence - Professor Sam Wass - Baby Development Lab at the University of East London
12.25pm - 1.00pm:
MAY EVENT: Musharaf Asghar - Inspirational speaker and journalist
OCTOBER EVENT: Emma Pinnock, director of The Essential Education Group
1.00pm - 2.00pm: Lunch and networking - lunch is included with your Roadshow ticket
2.00pm - 2.55pm: Panel discussion: Building a brighter future: What needs to change to ensure that all children with SEND get the support they deserve - Keynote speakers will join Neil Leitch - Alliance CEO, chaired by Shannon Pite - Alliance director of communications and external affairs
3.00pm - 3.30pm: Belonging and Connection – The power of becoming a neurodiversity affirming educator - Cheryl Warren - Early years consultant
3.35pm - 3.50pm: Sue Newman - Boogie Mites
3.50pm - 4.00pm: Prize Draw and close
Get your tickets here: