
Enter the Metaverse…

The Alliance’s Richard Knight provides an exciting update on the interactive Metaverse modules available for a new, digitally-immersive style of learning


Richard works as an early years development manager at the Alliance, supporting families and educators.

Let us introduce you to something brand new and groundbreaking in the world of early years training: Metaverse Learning – Early Years, our immersive, virtual-reality learning modules.

On EYA Central, our new one-stop shop for early years training and CPD, Alliance members will find three new and completely interactive Metaverse Learning scenarios, all of which take place in Tiny Trees, our virtual reality early years setting and family hub.

Users can immerse themselves in the environment and interact with the tasks using the highlighted user-friendly click-ons and navigate the nursery as if you are really in the environment!

As always at the Alliance, our inclusive principles and core beliefs and values inform the development of these scenarios, with closed captions and audio forming part of the learning experience. During completion, several pop ups allow users to read additional information to give extra detail and learning benefit.

Multiple choice question-and-answer sections form part of the assessment, with the scenarios linked to early years qualification criteria. As with all of our other CPD resources and products, the Metaverse scenarios are on their way to being CPD-certified in the coming months, gifting even more value to your ongoing professional development!

Scenarios live and ready to access now:

Getting to know you

This interactive scenario is based on a case study of a child’s first settling-in visit at a setting. The learner (immersed in the virtual environment) must begin to get to know a child, identify strategies to help the child settle, and conduct a discussion with their adult to identify any areas of concern.

Each issue covered in the scenario has a relevant question associated with it, which leads the learner through the scenario step by step.

The learning walk

This scenario is based on the learning walk that happens as part of formal inspections in early years provision. The virtual experience works to enable learners to talk with confidence during the learning walk. Key considerations are covered, including being able to discuss how the early years provision is organised, as well as thinking about the aims and rationale for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Through this engaging scenario, educators can prepare for their Ofsted inspection and become more confident on curriculum intent than ever before!

Pre-session risk assessment

This immersive experience supports learners to complete safety sweeps when setting up for the day prior to children arriving. Areas for consideration will be identified and learners will consider how to act when a safety sweep identifies that a more formal risk assessment is required. Through identifying hazards, learners will explore the virtual reality nursery environment in depth via the Metaverse!

Scenarios in development (and coming soon!):

Supporting children’s smooth transitions

This scenario aims to support the learner to identify different types of transitions that they may be required to support a child with in the early years. The programme takes the learner through three different types of transitions: horizontal transitions – everyday changes; vertical transitions – significant events; and ‘other’ types of transitions. In a completely new way, learners can build understanding of how to meet children’s emotional needs during times of change and be a part of discussions with family members.

Speech, language and communication

During this innovative learning experience, educators will see how communication and language underpins children’s development across the seven areas of learning, and how the support they receive in their early years is crucial for both the best start in life and future outcomes.

Users can immerse themselves in the environment, interact with the tasks... and navigate the nursery as if really there

Currently, on average, one in every 10 children struggle with communication and language difficulties so, as early years educators, we’re ideally placed to give children the support they need in our practice and provision and through the daily interactions we have with them.

Confidentiality and information sharing

As a vital element of safeguarding, this module explores some key aspects of information sharing, including what information must be shared, how it is shared, and who it can be shared with. There are five scenarios for the learner to engage with, each one addressing a different aspect of confidentiality and information sharing, while including key learning points. Feel part of the conversation during this immersive learning experience.

Scenarios currently in early development by Alliance experts (watch this space!):

  • Hygiene and infection control Emergency planning Baby room practice and care needs
  • Family engagement and the home learning environment (HLE)
  • Supporting multilingual children and families

Access Metaverse Learning – Early Years today!

Visit EYA Central at and search for ‘Metaverse’ to be among the first to experience these immersive learning modules.