In light of International Day of Education in January, we decided to share a selection of books about nursery and school aimed at under-fives
With International Day of Education on the horizon, we decided to link this month’s Book Nook to the theme of starting at an early years setting or school, with a focus in some of the books aimed at children four and over on what school looks like around the world.
From dinosaurs, bears, skeletons and even monsters trying to fit in at school to finding out what school in Japan is like and how girls in Afghanistan would attend ‘secret schools’, we have books to illuminate the world of education and all its wonderful facets!
All the things you will do! by Lucy Rowland and Neely Daggett
Lulu’s first day by Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw
Hello, friend by Rebecca Cobb
Olu’s teacher by Jamel C. Campbell and Lydia Mba
Let’s go to nursery! by Caryl Hart and Lauren Tobia
Keep smiling by Floella Benjamin and Diane Ewen
King of the classroom by Derrick Barnes and Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Princess Arabella goes to school by Mylo Freeman
Never take a bear to school by Mark Sperring and Britta Teckentrup
First day at skeleton school by Sam Lloyd
When a dragon goes to school by Caryl Hart and Rosalind Beardshaw
Why do I have to go to school? by Katie Daynes and Marta Álvarez Miguéns
Monsters at school by Laura Baker
It’s back to school we go: first day stories from around the world by Ellen Jackson and Jan Davey Ellis
One green apple by Eve Bunting and Ted Lewin
The way we do it in Japan by Geneva Cobb Iijima and Paige Billin-Frye
Nasreen’s secret school by Jeanette Winter
The name jar by Yangsook Choi