Well, welcome to this wet and windy October issue of Under 5.
The weather may well have turned, but there’s lots to look forward to in our October edition – so, get a hot drink, find somewhere comfy, and take 10 minutes out of your busy day to catch up with us.
This month, Inspiration Corner delves in the wonderful world of reptiles, sharing key facts about those native to Britain as well as ideas to integrate into your setting! We also take a look at creating an eco-friendly outdoor space that reflects nature and tickles the senses, and explore the wonder of space over in Book Nook.
October is a busy, busy month for the Alliance with a whole wave of exciting content coming up on EYA Central to enhance your practice, approach and reflection. First, we introduce you to the first three modules of our immersive Metaverse training programme, then we share some exciting news about our newly-CPD-certified status for early years training, and discuss the changes to Level 3 qualifications and apprenticeships.
And now for a special request: here at Under 5 magazine, we always particularly look forward to receiving your My Under 5 submissions, because we know that each day is filled with wonder and joy across *all* of our member settings, and we would love to share that with you via the magazine. It doesn’t have to be a ‘special’ or ‘themed’ day that you share; it could be a sand tray activity that the children were thrilled about, or noting some examples of love and empathy between the children. Please send us your good news stories to editor.u5@eyalliance.org.uk!
With the darker evenings rolling in, make sure to stay safe and warm while also making the most of the colourful changes occurring outdoors!
Take care,
Jess Gibson, editor