
The holy month of Muharram

To mark the first month of Islamic New Year, Muharram, we take a look at some books that explore more about the special celebrations that take place throughout the year for Muslims, and how traditions and lifestyles vary

Muharram is the first month in the Islamic calendar, acting as the start of a new year for the Muslim community. One of the four sacred months in Islam mentioned in the Quran, it is also known as the Month of Allah. This year, the month of Muharram begins on Sunday 7 July 2024, with the new moon determining its start.

A month of great spiritual significance, it’s known as the month of opportunity, new beginnings, and new horizons. In it, good deeds are multiplied, while sins are even graver.

The tenth day of Muharram is known as The Day of Ashura, a day of promise and hope, which is considered one of the most important days in the Islamic calendar. It should be a day of inward reflection, gratitude, and prayer accompanied by fasting – as modelled by the Prophet Muhammad.

Families experiencing oppression or hardship see The Day of Ashura as one of hope, celebration, and gratitude because, although Allah may not have relieved them of their difficulties, they’ve been given evidence documented in the Quran that relief will come.

With so much to learn about Islam and its traditions, celebrations and beliefs, we’ve curated a selection of children’s books that help to build understanding of a range of concepts in fun, colourful, and age-appropriate ways.


Please note that each of these books has a varied suggested age range that balances interest with reading age; in some cases, sharing the books and stories together is better for understanding. While some of the text may be too grown up, each has lots of images that are age-appropriate, and content can be adapted to make it more suitable to share with the children at your setting!