Children and staff at Kester Pre-school in St Neots celebrated Ugadi, which is the start of the new year in the Telugu calendar with a special meal. The children enjoyed a range of dishes, including bread and chutneys, while learning about the festival.
Springfield Bees Charity Pre-school, Chelmsford, organised a “welly walk” in their local park, offering parents and children at chance to make friends and get active, while developing children’s communication and language skills. The children were given checklists, including pictures and logos to find around their local park. Children were also given a chance to create their own welly artwork and parents were given more information about supporting children’s learning and development at home.
The team at Foxcubs Nursery in Luton were delighted to receive a letter from Kensington Palace, following a visit from the Princess of Wales earlier this year. The letter thanked the team for hosting the Princess and for all their brilliant work supporting children and shared the Princess’ best wishes for everyone at the setting.
What have you been up to?
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