
Hello, and welcome to the month of May’s Under 5 magazine!

Summer is quickly sneaking up on us now that we’re five months into the year, but luckily there’s still time to take in the remaining joys of spring – lingering bluebells, rain showers, not knowing how many layers to wear for the weather...
In Inspiration Corner, we create a buzz about creativity across

the EYFS, finding ways to make the most of little ones’ unique thinking. Over in our baby and toddler groups section, we look at treasure baskets for exploratory play and learning.

This month’s Book Nook focuses on the wealth of cultures and heritages across the African continent, while over in Family Corner, we think about fun ways to make the most of windy days outside. And, with changes around menopause support and responsibility recently coming into the workplace, Law-Call fill us in with all the details and how they may impact your setting.

Mental health is a wider theme in May’s issue, with information on and support around maternal mental health concerns, guidance on empowering early years leaders with digital wellbeing, and a sneak preview of the seminar topics for the Alliance's Connect Roadshow, all of which are focused on positive approaches to supporting wellbeing in the early years.

Hopefully, you find some useful information, advice and support in this month’s issue of Under 5 – please do let us know!

All the best,

Jess Gibson


Not only are we always looking for your good news and stories to share in My Under 5, but we’d also like to hear a little bit more about what it is that you want to see in the magazine each month. Send your good news, stories, questions or suggestions to to be featured.