We take a look at Ofsted’s 2023 updated inspection guidance for early years settings and explore key questions, updates and additions
In the realm of the early years, there’s nothing many educators fear more than the dreaded Ofsted inspection notification call.
Though updates to the way Ofsted inspects settings occurred in January 2023, these have since been accompanied by a raft of changes and additions to other key documentation. To save you from sifting through all the different links and pages, we’ve gathered all the information you need in one handy place!
Over recent months, Ofsted has made a number of changes to its Ofsted inspections: what EY providers and practitioners need to know guidance (available at
Should I store my paperwork in a folder marked ‘Ofsted’?
How will inspectors consider the progress children have made at my setting?
Will inspectors expect providers to show the progress of a child tracked against ‘Development Matters’?
Will Ofsted prefer to see paper assessments rather than those recorded electronically?
Do I need to produce a curriculum map?
Are there flexibilities in place for providers that are facing recruitment and retention issues?
Will I always have notice of my inspection? How long will my inspection take? Will I always need to be available to speak to the inspector?
Can my setting achieve a judgement that is more than one grade above its previous inspection outcome?
If the setting complains about its inspection, will this go against it in the next one?
I keep some documents off site. Will I have to provide these during the inspection if the inspector asks to see them?
How can I ensure I am meeting ratio requirements in my setting when a senior member of staff is absent?
Can an administrator or committee member be considered suitable to take charge in the absence of the manager?
Will inspectors expect all staff to have maintained their paediatric first aid (PFA) certificates?
Does Ofsted expect me to use formal words with children? What should I expect from the ‘learning walk’? How will leadership and management be looked at during my inspection? Is the notification call the start of the inspection? What if I get my notification call at an inconvenient time?
During the notification call, why do inspectors ask about the children that attend the setting?
Will there be more than one inspector at my inspection? Do I have to allow inspectors to use their phones during an inspection? Will inspectors ask to see my public liability insurance?
Will the inspector need to have a meeting with the manager when they arrive?
Can I leave the children alone with the inspector? Will the inspector go with staff on outings with the children? How will inspectors get the views of parents?