Ideas for inspiring a love of the planet through storytelling at your setting
Children love to hear stories. They help to develop a child’s imagination by introducing new ideas into their world. Ideas about fantastical worlds, other planets, mythical creatures, different points in time, things that have happened to them and invented characters or superheroes. Stories can open a child’s mind and encourage them to realise that they can, and should, imagine anything they want.
Reading stories aloud to children regularly throughout the day spontaneously – not just at designated ‘story-time’ will help to embed a love of books and stories in the children in your setting. Talking with the children about what happened during their day or retelling stories about things you have done in your setting recently, can be lots of fun and develops children’s memories and sequencing skills.
In a world where technology has influenced every aspect of our lives, one of children’s first educators we should encourage children to embrace their inner author and make up their own stories too. So perhaps older children could tell a story about saving the planet and make up a ‘green’ superhero. They could design the superhero’s outfit and think about all the superpowers they would need.
You can encourage them to make posters about saving the planet, or recycling or any activities you have in your setting. Perhaps you could make a ‘mascot’ from a soft toy or doll, who can be the ‘eco-warrior’ and together the stories of their adventures in saving the planet will build children’s understanding of these important issues.
This gives you a chance to talk to them about what difference they would make to the planet, why it is important and follow the conversation on to what you could do yourself in your setting to save the planet.
So how do you get your children to start telling their own stories?
Here are a few tips:
"In a world where technology has influenced every aspect of our lives, one of children’s first educators we should encourage children to embrace their inner author and make up their own stories too."