It’s fair to say that very few adults will have met a child with pronounced visual impairment, let alone feel confident about providing safe, fun and educational experiences.
But when it comes to hosting activities for a child who is blind or partially sighted, there are a few simple things you can do to make sure everyone is included in the fun.
There’s a common misconception that someone who is registered blind can’t see anything, but children are taught how to make the most of any vision they have. Additionally, most parents will be happy to talk about their child’s eye condition and how this affects their vision day to day, so ask questions!
Don’t be afraid to use words that relate specifically to vision – it’s perfectly fine to say things like, “Will they enjoy watching this film?”.
Other children will be a good source of information, too. Shared time together means they will know their friend’s likes and dislikes, what they can manage independently, and where they might need a bit of support.
Walk through the areas that the children are likely to play in throughout the day and think about:
A quick tour each morning when the child arrives will help them build a mental map of the space they’ll be learning and playing in.
To start, limit the number of different areas they use until they’ve had time to get their bearings and are ready to explore further.
In a group, a child with visual impairment might not understand whether an instruction or request is meant for them, so try to use everyone’s first names when talking: “Jack, would you prefer orange or blackcurrant juice?”
Keep instructions clear and avoid vague statements, such as: “Everyone needs to stand over there”; instead, use specific language such as, “Holly, the pens are in a plastic box right in front of you.”
Many games can be enjoyed by all children, but whatever you decide to play, ensure that any children with visual impairment know when an activity is about to start and when it is finishing/has finished.
Preparation is key: explain the rules and what will happen at different stages of the game, including any directional information, noises to expect, and descriptors for items (for example, warning if an object is going to be heavy!).
Crafts and messy play can be enjoyed inside or outdoors, but the considerations for both vary, which will need to be taken into account.
A child with visual impairment will particularly benefit from using materials that appeal to different senses – pens that are scented, items with good tactile quality, items that create sounds, and bright colours that contrast rather than light pastel shades.
No matter how hard you try, it’s not always possible to consider every single outcome, question or concern prior to an activity or session. What you can do, though, is maintain an ongoing daily dialogue with the child and their family (and even their friends!) to pick up any concerns or difficulties.
Remember – if you’re unsure, just ask!