
Welcome to Under 5


Hello and welcome to the July/August 2022 issue of Under 5. This issue includes information about the Alliance’s #WeAreEducators campaign, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of the early years and raise the status of the sector (page 19).

Last month, the Alliance hosted its annual conference, exploring how we can build a positive vision for the future of the sector. If you weren’t able to join us on the night, we’ve got a great summary of the main talking points from the night (page 12).

After our annual week of play, we’ve got some tips for using story time to inspire children’s interest in eco-sustainability (page 19). The Infant and Toddler Forum has also shared some ideas for turning mealtimes into learning opportunities for children (page 26).

In these increasingly difficult times, we’ve heard from the team at Law-Call how you can start the process of closing an early years setting (page 24) if you are in the unfortunate position to need to consider this step.

If you’re looking for some activity ideas for over the summer months, we’ve got some ideas for exploring the theme of photography with children in your setting (page 20).

Whatever your plans are this summer, I do hope you’re all able to take some time for some well-deserved rest – and, as always, please do keep sharing your good news and updates with us for My Under 5.

Rachel Lawler